
Lily Allen falls down

Lily Allen falls down in the lobby of a top London restaurant and hurts her wrist.

British singer Lily Allen had a bit of a scare yesterday morning (August 17). The pregnant star fell down and injured her wrist after a breakfast meeting.

Allen was exiting the popular Wolseley restaurant in London when she slipped and fell in the eatery’s lobby. She was there having a meeting to talk about the opening of her new clothing store, Lucy in Disguise.

She posted a message on Twitter later, saying: "I fell over in the foyer of The Wolsley (sic) this morning. Tres (very) embarrassing. Hurty (sic) wrist."

25-year old Lily Allen recently announced she is expecting her first child with boyfriend Sam Cooper. The couple are reportedly looking to leave the fast-paced life of London and settle in the countryside.

Allen’s London flat is up for sale only six months after she bought it. Her father, Keith Allen, lives in the Cotswolds and it is thought she wants to move closer to him now that a baby is on the way.