
Lindsay Lohan finishes rehab

Mean Girls star leaves rehabilitation center but still on probation.

Yesterday (Jan. 3) marked a new beginning for Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan, 24, after the starlet was free to leave the Betty Ford Center, California rehabilitation facility. After failing a drug test, she had been in court-ordered treatment since October 22.

On Saturday (January 1), Lohan wrote on Twitter "Today is the first day of the rest of my life. ‘The future depends on what we do in the present.’ – Mahatma Gandhi… One step at a time…. "

The young actress is making a fresh start and a change of scene with the purchase of a new home. Moving vans were seen at her West Hollywood apartment and boxes were unloaded at her new four-bedroom house in Venice, California, just a few doors down from her ex, Samantha Ronson.

Until a February 25 court hearing, Lohan is still subject to random drug and alcohol testing, and counselling sessions with a psychiatrist.