
Lindsay Lohan gets off flight

Lindsay Lohan is searching for a private plane to take her to Los Angeles for her court hearing after getting off a scheduled flight amid fuel concerns.

Lindsay Lohan is searching for a private plane to get her to court on time.

The ‘Liz & Dick’ actress – who is due in court today (03.18.13) to begin her trial for allegedly lying to police following a crash on the Pacific Coast Highway in June – had boarded a scheduled flight to Los Angeles from New York yesterday (03.17.13) but decided to get off the plane because she was concerned fuel was leaking from the aircraft.

According to gossip website TMZ, Lindsay – who left her bags behind – told friends around 35 other people also got off the plane because of worries over its safety.

The 26-year-old star is said to be desperately contacting all her friends in a bid to get help finding a private plane to get her to Los Angeles on time.

Flight reports say Lindsay’s scheduled plane was delayed up to an hour and diverted to Las Vegas to pick up more fuel before continuing to Los Angeles.

The drama comes a day after Lindsay allegedly missed her original booked flight – which would have saw her return to Los Angeles on Saturday (03.16.13) in order to go to a club to see the band City of the Sun.

If the ‘Mean Girls’ star fails to show up in court, a bench warrant will be issued for her arrest.