
Lindsay Lohan Keeps Her Job

The president of Ungaro will not be asking Lindsay Lohan to leave.

It seems that Lohan’s fiasco as Ungaro’s artistic adviser will not cost her the job, reports People.
Recently, designer Emmanuel Ungaro referred to the star’s collection as a disaster.
However, the CEO of the fashion house, Mounir Moufarrige, announced that he is not planning to can Lohan. During the World Fashion Summit in Milan on Monday (November 23), Moufarrige stated, “Yes [she’s staying on], she has a job to do.”
Regarding the slew of comments on Lohan’s creations, Moufarrige added, “The criticism was harsh. I am sure we can do better in the collection to be honest but I think it was harsh. But it did sell well.”
As for the words shared by Mr. Ungaro, who has not been part of the company since he left in 2005, the president remarked, “Mr Ungaro has his views, he can keep them. I have no comment.”