
Lindsay Lohan Wants To Change Her Image

Actress Lindsay Lohan wants to show that she is a serious actress.

The 20 year-old star hopes that her next film, I Know Who Killed Me, will prove that she is a serious actress.

According to World Entertainment News, Lohan is embarassed by her image as a party girl.  The starlet has decided to make changes in her life, which included her recent stint at the Wonderland rehabilitation centre in California.

Lohan believes that her next film, in which she plays a kidnapped and tortured woman, will help others in the cinema world to take her seriously.

She says, "I don’t think there has been a role for an actress like this movie was for me in so long. At first I was like, ‘I can’t do this, I’m getting my legs cut off. I don’t want to look like that in scenes, I want to look decent.’

Lohan added, "But that was just me being young and stupid. And I have my first sex scene in it, which I always said I wouldn’t do. I wanted to do this movie so people can see that I’m a f**king actress and I’ve been doing it forever and it’s about time people see that."

"It felt so good to really act. I just pray people won’t rip me apart for it, and be negative."