
Lindsay Lohan Wants to Work

Lindsay Lohan is looking for work and hopes to be getting a call back from Seth Rogen.

In an interview with Nylon magazine, Lindsay Lohan spoke of her current job concerns.

"It’s scary when you realize, ‘Oh my God, I’m not working. And have a house to pay for now,’ " the star admitted.

She would have loved to film Alice in Wonderland with Tim Burton, but that did not materialize.

Apparently, she was in talks with actor Sean Penn for a project. LiLo said, "I’m talking to a lot of people right now. One is Sean Penn – I spoke to him again the other day. We’re trying to get Seth Rogen for this project, but Seth won’t call us back. So call us back, Seth, if you’re reading this!" 

In addition, the star has no intentions of dishing out her private life on her blog. She let herself get carried away in the past, but now thinks it was unnecessary.