
Lindsay Lohan’s Battle

Actress Lindsay Lohan has spoken about her eating disorder.

According to The News of the World, Lohan wanted desperately to be thin.  The Herbie Reloaded star explained, "You have to hit rock bottom sometimes before you get yourself back to the top…I was making myself sick. My arms were disgusting. I had people sit me down and say, ‘You’re going to die if you don’t take care of yourself.’"

The young celebrity is practically cured of the illness and now accepts her body as it is.  Lohan is now in peace and in love with her life.  The 20 year-old star also enjoys the freedom of changing romantic partners frequently.

Regarding her love life, Lohan makes no apologies for her frequency of partners, saying, "I mean, if the sex is bad, the relationship’s not going anywhere. Anyway I don’t even think I’ve had my best kiss yet."