
Lindsay Lohan’s Body Guard Speaks Out

A former body guard to Lindsay Lohan is saying that the young actress has a death wish.

Lee Weaver, who worked for Lohan for two years, believes that her dependence problems won’t stop until they’ve killer her.

The guard, who has worked for several Hollywood stars, says that she has bigger problems than anyone he’s ever met, including Robert Downey Jr.

Weaver told Britain’s News of the World, "I have looked after some of the wildest stars in Hollywood – but never anyone as out of control as Lindsay. She had a total death wish and took more drugs and drank more than anyone I’ve met. I lost count of the times I thought she overdosing and had to carry her out of parties. Every morning I’d breathe a sigh of relief when she was still alive."

Weaver is currently writing a tell-all book about his time with the stars such as Kim Basinger, Brad Pitt, Eddie Murphy and Pamela Anderson.