
Lindsay Lohan’s bodyguard ordered to testify

Lindsay Lohan’s bodyguard has been subpoenaed to testify in her upcoming trial and is said to be a "reluctant" witness.

Lindsay Lohan’s bodyguard has been subpoenaed to testify in her upcoming trial.

The security guard is reportedly a "reluctant witness" in the case – which stems from a car accident last June and will see the troubled actress face charges including resisting, obstruction, providing false information to a police officer and reckless driving – but prosecutors believe he has vital evidence as he was driving directly behind Lindsay’s car.

The guard was hired by the producers of the Elizabeth Taylor TV biopic ‘Liz & Dick’ to ensure she got to work on time and was safe and it is believed he will have the most accurate recollection of events.

A source told "The bodyguard was following Lindsay’s Porsche as she headed to work that day … Obviously, as he was right behind the car, he witnessed who was driving, and how the crash went down.

"He was also the person who drove Lohan to the hospital after the accident, so his testimony will be vital in establishing Lindsay’s state of mind immediately after the crash and what exactly happened."

As well as the bodyguard, the insider revealed several staff at the hotel where Lindsay was staying at the time of the crash have also been subpoenaed to testify.

It is expected their testimony will confirm they saw the 26-year-old actress get behind the wheel of her car and drive away, after she previously claimed her former assistant Gavin Doyle – who is to testify willingly – was driving.

The trial is scheduled to begin on March 18.

Even if the ‘Mean Girls’ star is acquitted, she could be jailed for up to 245 days for violating probation in her past necklace theft case.