
Lindsay Lohan’s Mum to the Rescue

After her daughter was sent a letter from a studio executive criticising her behaviour, the mother of actress Lindsay Lohan jumped to her defense.

According to Access Hollywood, Lohan has had numerous absences and late arrivals to the set of her next film, Georgia Rules.  It seems that the situation has come to the attention of studio management, and a letter was delivered to Lohan stating that her all-night partying was unacceptable.

James G. Robinson, a supervisor for Morgan Creek Productions, wrote the letter to the young star.  Dina Lohan, the star’s mother, has responded by saying that the letter was completely stupid.  Dina Lohan added that her daughter, who starred in the films Mean Girls and Freaky Friday, among others, suffers from asthma, and is working in extremely warm and humid conditions.