
Lindsay Lohan’s rehab shortlist submitted

Lindsay Lohan’s attorney has submitted a shortlist of rehab clinics to the court for approval.

Lindsay Lohan’s attorney has submitted a shortlist of rehab clinics to the court.

The troubled actress is due to check into a residential facility for 90 days next month as part of a plea deal she agreed last month in relation to a car accident and the proposed institutions are now being vetted before one can be chosen.

A source told "Lindsay’s attorney, Mark Heller, gave a list of of potential rehabs to the Los Angeles City Attorney, Terry White, last week. The prosecutor will personally be calling the facilities to make sure that there is proper security, meaning someone that monitors the whereabouts at all times of the patients."

Lindsay – who will be treated for alcohol and prescription drug addiction – will have to fully comply with the chosen clinic’s rules or risk an immediate transfer to prison.

The source added: "The facility that ends up taking Lindsay needs to notify the court immediately if she leaves the premises, or breaks any rules. The rehab will be fully vetted and researched by White. If Lindsay leaves early, or messes up, she will go straight to jail, no questions asked."