
Liv Tyler says having kids changed her relationship with Dave Gardner

Hollywood actress Liv Tyler has claimed having children has strengthened her relationship with Dave Gardner.

Liv Tyler thinks having children has strengthened her relationship with Dave Gardner.

The Hollywood actress is currently engaged to the sports and entertainment manager, but has cited the arrival of her children, Sailor and Lula in 2015 and 2016 respectively, as being a major turning point in their romance.

She shared: "We both wanted to have a family and children and a partnership and love.

"Our jobs are high stress and high energy and constantly moving, so it’s really just the family part we’re on the same page about, which is amazing because I know that’s often quite tricky for couples."

The 40-year-old beauty – who was previously married to British musician Royston Langdon from 2003 until 2008 – also praised Dave’s hands-on approach to parenting.

She said, too, that Dave has been hugely supportive of her acting career.

Speaking to Red magazine, Liv explained: "After I moved to England, I reconnected with an agent and within about a week, she said, ‘I’ve got this job for you.’ And it was starting the following week.

"It meant commuting to Leeds for a few days at a time, but it was so good for me and David was just like, ‘I’ve got this.’ He was home every night for dinner and bedtime, and holding down the fort."

Meanwhile, Liv also admitted she came close to walking away from the movie business because of the self-doubts she suffered as a young actress.

She shared: "I felt I knew myself very well when I was young, but then there was this moment in the middle when I felt very insecure, very shy and I wanted to hide away from everything.

"I didn’t feel like I had the answers anymore. There was a moment when I was questioning if I even wanted to be an actor at all."