
Love and respect are best dad qualities

Kind, loving dads who respect their kids’ autonomy have best relationships.

As Father’s Day approaches, it’s fitting to review some recent research from the June issue of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Brigham Young University professor Larry Nelson’s latest study shows that certain types of dads remain a force for good with children who have moved out of the house.

Dads who blend love, high expectations and respect for the child’s autonomy stood out in Nelson’s analysis of fathers of young adults. These dads enjoy a closer relationship with their children, and the children demonstrate higher levels of kindness and self-worth.

“If their child is struggling to pick a major in college, these dads don’t tell their kids what they think it should be,” Nelson said. “Instead they’ll say ‘Have you ever considered this’ or ‘Here’s one advantage of that.’ And when the child makes a choice, they say, ‘I’m proud of you.’”

Academics call this approach ‘authoritative parenting’ – not to be confused with ‘authoritarian’ Tiger Mothers or helicopter parents who swoop in to fix everything themselves.

“They know what’s going on in their children’s lives, and we’re seeing that it’s because the kids are willing to tell them,” Nelson said. “The outcomes are better when parents aren’t controlling.”

The data for Nelson’s study comes from Project Ready, a broad effort looking at young people and the transition to adulthood. The project began in 2004 with an extensive survey of college students around the country.