
Love helps reduce risk of high blood pressure and depression

A happy marriage has many health benefits.

A new study reveals more health benefits to feeling loved, including lower blood pressure, less depression, and faster healing in general, reports Medic Magic.

Love helps us cope with stress – happily-married people have lower blood pressure than those who are not married – however, keep in mind an unhappy marriage can increase blood pressure.

“So if we have someone who provides emotional support, it helps prevent the effects of stress,” said Julianne Holt-Lunstad, from Brigham Young University.

The study also revealed that couples in love, tend to support each other in adopting healthy lifestyles. “Romantic relationships can also provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life that can encourage someone to do positive things,” said Holt-Lunstad.

Feelings of love trigger the brain’s dopamine systems, a neurotransmitter affected by pleasure and motivation.

According to research from the University of North Carolina, hugging and holding hands, have also been proven to increase the release of the hormone oxytocin. This reduces levels of stress hormones and blood pressure, while improving mood and increasing tolerance to pain.