
L’Wren Scott ‘sacrificed a lot’ for Mick Jagger

L’Wren Scott’s former maid says she ”sacrificed a lot” to be with The Rolling Stones singer Sir Mick Jagger.

L’Wren Scott’s former maid says she ”sacrificed a lot” to be with Sir Mick Jagger.

The fashion designer’s tragic death from apparent suicide was discovered in New York this morning (17.03.14), and her former maid, Lupe Montufar – who served L’Wren from 1993 until 2009 – says her 13-year relationship with The Rolling Stones frontman came at a price.

Although she made clear she doesn’t know what drove L’Wren to take her own life, Lupe told the New York Daily News newspaper: ”She would tell me she wanted to get married and have a family, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up or say it out loud to Mick. She didn’t want to pressure him.

”She always dreamed about having fame, fortune and money. She had all that in her hands with him.

”She sacrificed a lot to be with him. A few years ago, she thought she’d be with him forever and have a family.”

It has emerged that L’Wren’s fashion company was in debt at the time of her death, but friends say she was always too headstrong to ask her famous partner for financial help.

Mick, 70, was said to be ”completely shocked and devastated” by L’Wren’s passing and is thought to be heading from Australia, where he was due to start a tour, to New York.

Lupe, 57, stopped working for L’Wren when she sold her Los Angeles home in 2009 to spent more time in New York and Europe.

She added: ”She was very loud and fun when she was young, but with Mick she turned more quiet. She used to yell ‘Lupe’ in a fun, boisterous voice, but later it was much softer and more reserved. He had her under his spell.”