
Madonna misses London

Madonna wants to hightail it out of New York and return to London.

According to a report in, singer Madonna is getting ready to move back to London. It’s been less than a year since she left England and moved to New York.
The 51-year old singer left London after she separated from husband Guy Ritchie. She has rediscovered her passion for the city while preparing to direct a new film, W.E.
This film will tell the story of Edward VIII who abdicated the throne in order to marry his love, American divorcée Wallis Simpson.
Madonna is moving back to her house in Marylebone for six months.
A source says, "The Big Apple hasn’t gone sour. Madonna has just rediscovered her interest in Britain… Guy is hoping the move will be permanent for his sake with the kids, though he isn’t holding out much hope."
It was announced in February that Madonna bought more land in New York State valued at $2 million US in order to have more room to ride horses.
Filming of W.E. will start in a few months.