
Magnetic waves risky during pregnancy?

Study warns expectant mothers to be careful around magnetic fields.

As reported yesterday (August 2), exposure to magnetic fields from power lines and cell phone towers while still in the womb can increase a child’s risk of developing asthma – but now scientists are extending this risk to include household items such as blow dryers, microwaves and vacuum cleaners, reports the Daily Mail.

In utero exposure to these magnetic waves has been linked to a threefold increase in asthma rates, according to the study which was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

"The message here is that exposure to electromagnetic fields is not good, and we need to pay attention to its adverse effect on health," explained study author Dr. De-Kun Li.

"The best way to reduce your magnetic field exposure is distance. Pregnant women should try to limit their exposure to known sources and keep distance from them when they are in use."

Other researchers not associated with the study warn that further work is still needed to confirm these findings.

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