Mobile Syrup

Man-child Musk sets Twitter’s press email to auto-reply with poop emoji

We already know that Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that he doesn’t believe in “manipulating public opinion,” and hence he disbanded Tesla’s Public Relations (PR) department back in October 2020. Now, with his new venture Twitter, Elon Musk is taking a different route. Instead of completely disbanding its press email, Musk Tweeted that any emails […]

We already know that Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that he doesn’t believe in “manipulating public opinion,” and hence he disbanded Tesla’s Public Relations (PR) department back in October 2020.

Now, with his new venture Twitter, Elon Musk is taking a different route. Instead of completely disbanding its press email, Musk Tweeted that any emails sent to will now be auto-responded with the poop emoji.

MobileSyrup can confirm that the development is true, and sending an inquiry email to the press account does indeed lead to an auto-reply with the poop emoji.

It’s worth noting that Twitter’s PR team was dedicatedly active until Musk took over the social media company in October last year. He then decided to lay off more than half of Twitter’s employees in a bid to cut costs and the social media company’s communication team was one of the first to go.

The same is true for Musk’s other companies, including Starlink.  Company investors have begged Musk to reinstate a PR team for Tesla and Starlink, but he doesn’t think such a department is necessary.

The best way to get word from the company is to spray and pray Musk on Twitter, and hope he replies.

In other Twitter-related news, the company is forcing users to switch from SMS 2FA to other authentication methods like a dedicated authentication application.

Source: @elonmusk