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Mandy Moore thought about shaving her head

Mandy Moore wants to cut her hair ”super short” and has even considered shaving her head.

Mandy Moore is considering cutting her hair ”super short”.

The ‘Candy’ singer says cutting her brunette locks would feel liberating and the impulse is so strong she has even considered shaving her head completely.

She told ”I’ve always wanted to really cut my hair, like, super, super short. I did once, I’ve always thought about shaving my head too. That’s always intrigued me.”

Mandy – who is married to singer Ryan Adams – claims her husband would be supportive if she ever decided to get the chop.

The 29-year-old star mused: ”I don’t think my husband would object to it! He would totally be down for that. I think he’d think it’d probably be pretty punk!”

Despite the urge to get a short cropped hairdo, Mandy claims she isn’t planning to make any drastic changes to her hair length anytime soon.

She continued: ”I kind of feel that way a lot, but I don’t necessarily act upon it all the time. Baby steps I guess.”

Mandy recently said she had overhauled her beauty regime to only incorporate natural and organic products.

She explained: ”I find myself making more of an active choice to use cleaner products and being generally conscious of the products I do use and what’s in them.

”We’re all so aware of what goes in our bodies that being educated about what goes on our bodies is the next logical step.”