
Marc Anthony’s Dolphin Love

Singer Marc Anthony has become co-owner of the Miami Dolphins football team.

People announced that the singer is now co-owner of the Dolphins, Miami’s football team.

"I’m a huge sports fan. These opportunities don’t come around too often. It’s quite an honor and a privilege to be able to sit here today saying that I’m a part-owner of an NFL team," the 40-year-old star stated.

Anthony, who refused to discuss numbers with People, signed a deal with Stephen Ross, who has been the owner of 95% of the NFL team since last January. 

With this project promising to consume Anthony’s time, the singer announced that he would soon be looking for a house in Miami, much to the delight of wife Jennifer Lopez. "Jennifer loves Miami. So she’s really, really happy about this because we’re going to be spending a lot of time down there," he said.