
Matt Damon Passes on Inauguration Day

Matt Damon refused to pay $50 000 for tickets to witness the new president take office.

Matt Damon missed out on Barack Obama’s inauguration because he refused to pay $50 000 for two tickets to see the man he helped take the oath of office.

The actor was hoping that his efforts during the Obama campaign would earn him rights to tickets to Inauguration Day.

"When I called my contacts from the campaign, they just started laughing: ‘We worked on the campaign for two and a half years, and we’re not going. Forget it.’ Then, they called me back the next day and said, ‘Hey, we’ve got two tickets for you, in the bleachers, and you’ll actually be able to see Obama take the oath. Just $25,000 apiece,’ " the actor explained.

Damon and his wife chose to save their money and watch the event from their Florida residence.