
Maximum security for Justin Bieber

New Zealand prepares for Biebermania.

Organizers of Justin Bieber’s upcoming concert in New Zealand are increasing security. Orange News reports they want to avoid a repeat of the total chaos that went down in Australia forcing the singer to cancel his Sydney concert.

The Australian concert was cancelled after thousands of fans camped overnight at Sydney Harbour for a chance to see their idol on stage. When the ecstatic crowd heard rumours the star had arrived, they started to surge forward and things got out of hand. Police decided to cancel the event after more than a hundred teenagers became "distressed."

This is the third time in six months that Bieber’s presence has sparked a riot. Similar situations occurred in New York and Paris.

The 16-year old singer will arrive in New Zealand tomorrow (April 28) to give a free concert at Papakura’s Strathallan School. Police are trying to ensure his arrival remains a secret to avoid history repeating itself.

A spokesperson for Auckland’s airport told the New Zealand Herald newspaper, "We are meeting with police and other airport security tomorrow morning to discuss the issue."