
Megan Fox’s baby gets chubby

Megan Fox has revealed her three-month-old baby Noah looks like her now he is more "chubby", whereas before he was the "identical twin" of his father Brian Austin Green.

Megan Fox’s son looks like her now he is "chubby".

The 26-year-old actress gave birth to Noah in September and Megan’s friends have now started to notice similar characteristics between her and her baby he has put on weight – a comment which Megan is unsure of how to receive.

Speaking on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’, Megan – who is

married to Brian Austin Green – said: "He looks, I would say 70 per cent Brian. He was his identical twin when he came out and recently he’s been getting chubbier and everyone’s like oh, he’s so chubby now he looks now you – and I don’t know how I should take that …"

Megan and Brian, 39, are yet to publicly unveil Noah, so Ellen

showed the ‘Transformers’ star a slide show of cute chubby babies, asking her to point out which one best resembles her son.

One baby, who was the child of one of the audience members, didn’t look like Megan’s son but the brunette beauty found the tot so adorable she announced: "That baby is amazing."

Although the screen beauty wants to keep her child out of the public eye she is happy to talk about him and admitted earlier this month she loves him so much it "hurts".

She explained: "The whole thing has been overwhelming because I didn’t realize you could love something so much, and I know people always say that but I love him so much it hurts, and it’s an interesting feeling to have because I never felt that before."