
Melanie Brown Blames Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy is not taking responsibility as a father, says singer Melanie Brown.

Brown, who is also known as Scary Spice, accused Murphy yesterday during a press conference of not doing, "the right thing".

Along with her lawyer, the Spice Girl revealed that the actor has never offered to give financial support to his daughter.  Brown is now asking a court "to decide what is reasonable" for the baby girl.

Brown’s attorney, Gloria Allred, recently spoke about the case.  "Murphy was promising to do the right thing, but to date he has not done the right thing," said Allred. "Mr. Murphy can have all the babies he chooses to have, but his responsibility needs to be to his own children. [Brown] is seeking sole physical and legal custody."

"He bought a big diamond ring for his new fianceé," added Allred, referring to Murphy’s recent engagement to girlfriend Tracey Edmonds. "It is nice to be generous to others, but what about his own baby?"

Last June, a paternity test confirmed that Eddie Murphy is the father of Melanie Brown’s baby girl.  The two split while Brown was pregnant.  Since learning that he is the child’s father, he has not attempted to make any contact with his daughter.