
Mental health problems on the rise at work

Mental health issues rising in workplace, says OECD.

Mental illness is a growing problem in society and is increasingly affecting productivity and well-being in the workplace, according to a new report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Increasing job insecurity and pressure in today’s workplaces could drive a rise in mental health problems in the years ahead. One in five workers suffers from a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, and many are struggling to cope.

The report challenges some of the myths around mental health and concludes that policymakers need to look for new solutions. Most people with a mental disorder work, with employment rates of between 55 to 70 percent, about 10 to 15 percentage points lower than for people without a disorder.

But people with a mental disorder are two to three times as likely to be unemployed as people with no disorders. This gap represents a major loss to the economy, not to mention for the individuals and their families.

The OECD noted the health systems in most countries are narrowly focused on treating people with severe disorders. Taking more common disorders more seriously would boost chances for people to remain, or return to, work.


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