
Metallica to perform live with Lou Reed?

Album collaboration may move onstage, according to James Hetfield.

Metallica frontman James Hetfield, hopes to perform live with his Lulu album collaborator Lou Reed, reports Gibson.

‘Loutallica,’ as the San Francisco heavy metal band has dubbed its collaboration with NYC singer-songwriter Lou Reed, will makes its debut with the album Lulu on November 1.

During an interview on Argentinian radio, Hetfield said, “I don’t know how many, I don’t know where. How many can we do together? It doesn’t need to be 20 shows and it doesn’t need to be one show – somewhere in the middle there, I think, to give everyone a taste of it and just see what it’s like.”

Hetfield also warned fans that Lulu was a special project between the two artists and shouldn’t be seen as “a new Metallica album.”

“I’m sure there’s some Metallica fans that will think that ‘This is the new Metallica record. I don’t like it. I’m scared.’ And it’s not,” he said. “This is a project that was presented to us that we wanted to challenge ourselves with.”