
Metric Earns MySpace Honours

The Canadian group Metric is MySpace’s choice band of 2009.

The MySpace social networking site, on which nearly all artists have their own page, paid homage to the Canadian band, crowing them MySpace Music’s Triumph of the Year.

Metric took the gamble of not associating with a major label, but still managed to attain the same calibre notoriety as groups such as Radiohead and the like.

With great risks come great rewards, and that was proven when the band sold as many copies of their disc Fantasies as their previous album sold in 4 years.

In an interview with MySpace, band leader, Emily Haines, explained that although their strategy was risky, they persisted in order to retain control. “Everything we’ve earned from royalties and as a touring act went back into a number on the roulette wheel,” Haines said. “Everything was sacrificed. It’s like, you can have no money and lots of time, or you can have lots of money and no time. No time and no money is a pretty rough equation.”

Haines took the time to thank the radio stations that played their single, Help I’m Alive, and pointed out that the band would not have otherwise had the half a million dollars often necessary for such publicity.