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Michael B. Jordan ate brown rice and chicken for 18 months

Michael B. Jordan survived on a diet of ”brown rice and chicken” every day for 18 months while he was training for his role in the ‘Rocky’ spin-off ‘Creed.’

Micheal B. Jordan ate ”brown rice and chicken” every day for a year-and-a-half in preparation for his role in ‘Creed.’

The 28-year-old actor, who plays Rocky Balboa’s famed rival Apollo Creed’s son Adonis, started training for his gig in the spin-off to the 1977 hit ‘Rocky’ ”two-and-a half years” before the forthcoming project was given the go-ahead.

He explained: ”I knew about this project two-and-a-half, three years ago. So I started training a year-and-a-half before we actually started training.

”So before we started I was already half way there. (I did) about a year-and-a-half of literally brown rice, chicken and broccoli. A gallon and a half of water every day and working out two three times a day, six days a week, for about a year-and-a-half. You’re body will change. Water, eat every two and a half hours to keep your metabolism going. That’s it.”

But it wasn’t just his diet that helped him get into shape as the handsome star believes he owes a lot to his ”good trainer.”

Speaking to Nick Grimshaw on BBC Radio 1’s Breakfast Show, he said: ”I had a really good trainer. There was a real chemistry and bond. (You need) someone who is going to motivate you and is able to push you through the pain because the first two weeks are going to be brutal.”