
Michael Fassbender to star in RoboCop?

Inglourious Basterds actor to be offered role in RoboCop reboot.

Award-winning Brazilian director José Padilha (Elite Squad), director of upcoming film reboot of RoboCop said that he would like actor Michael Fassbender (Jane Eyre, A Dangerous Method) for the role.

In an interview on Brazilian television’s Globo 1 to discuss the sequel to his smash-hit, Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within, the filmmaker revealed some details about an upcoming remake of RoboCop, based on the 1987 sci-fi action thriller starring Peter Weir.

“I can’t talk yet, it’s too early to speak, but there are some actors I like. I really like Fassbender, I’d like to talk to him – I’ll talk to him. There’s a possibility…”

Padilha also mentioned that he had been working with the writer on the script over the last couple of weeks, and if all goes according to plan, RoboCop is expected to shoot in February or March in Detroit, where the original was filmed, for a release date in 2013.