
Michael Jackson’s doctor won’t be in court before next year

Dr. Conrad Murray’s trial won’t take place before next January.

Dr. Conrad Murray, the 57-year-old physician accused of causing Michael Jackson’s his death June 25, 2009 by administering an excessive dose of Propofol to the singer  attended a brief hearing Superior Court of Los Angeles yesterday and the preliminary trial date was set for January 4, 2011.

At the preliminary hearing, prosecutors will have the opportunity to present evidence against Dr. Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter. The judge will then decide whether a trial should take place.

Dr. Murray was formally accused in February, but his lawyers continue to argue that he did not administer the lethal meds to the King of Pop.

The late singer’s family, including his parents Joe and Katherine Jackson, were present at the hearing that took place yesterday as Jackson fans waited outside the court. 

While leaving the court, Murray was subjected to a torrent of verbal murder accusations from the crowd

Despite the charges against him, the doctor still has his medical license.