
Michelle Williams to star in South Pacific

Michelle Williams has been approached to star in a movie version of ‘South Pacific’, with Hugh Jackman and Justin Timberlake also wanted for the musical.

Michelle Williams has been approached to star in a movie version of ‘South Pacific’.

The ‘Oz The Great and Powerful’ actress has been offered the role of US navy ensign Nelly Forbush, who nurses injured soldiers and sailors during World War II, in the big screen adaptation of the hit stage musical.

Hugh Jackman is also said to be wanted for the production, but the ‘Les Miserables’ star is more keen to appear in a film version of ‘Carousel’, if such a project materialises.

And, according to the Daily Mail newspaper, Justin Timberlake is also set to be offered a role in the film at young officer Lieutenant Cable.

However, the movie – which will be directed by Michael Mayer – is still in its early stages and pre-production hasn’t started yet, though Lynn Grossman has written a script.

Michelle, who showed off her musical talents when she played Marilyn Monroe in ‘My Week With Marilyn’, has previously spoken of her desire to star in a musical.

She said: "I would love to star in a musical. What’s so liberating about singing and dancing is that it turns your head off. You coast on this wave of muscle memory. You literally can’t think while you’re performing. There’s a kind of transcendence to it.

"I think maybe that’s why Marilyn was so especially talented at it. Her singing and dancing are unparallelled and her musical numbers are just breathtaking."