
Mila Kunis enjoys casual dates with Ashton

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher love going on low-key dates, which they have dubbed ”white T-shirt night”.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have ”white T-shirt night”.

The couple enjoy going on low-key dates together doing the things they ”love”, but enjoy hanging out at home just as much.

Asked her perfect date, the 30-year-old beauty told America’s Cosmopolitan magazine ”I’ll tell you, we have a thing called white T-shirt night, and it’s when you wear jeans and a white T-shirt and you go on a date.

”Nothing fancy, it’s just something that you love to do. And whether that’s bowling or dinner or going to a cheese shop and have some wine or walking around. I think that’s just the best thing to do – and sometimes it’s just nice to stay home.”

Despite regularly topping polls because of her good looks, Mila – who has been dating the 36-year-old actor for almost two years – insists she doesn’t consider herself ”sexy”.

When quizzed whether she considers herself to be sexy, she said:

”Oh no, no. I really don’t. I don’t see myself as not-sexy, it’s just not [one of] the top 40 adjectives I would use to describe myself. But I do see myself as confident, but if someone sees me as sexy I’m not going to argue that and say, ”No I’m not, you’re crazy.’ I’ll just say ‘Thank you’ politely.”