
Mild exercise beneficial during pregnancy

Light fitness routine provides several benefits and can make delivery easier.

Mild exercise during pregnancy provides a number of benefits, including extra energy, improved mood, toned muscles, better sleep quality, and easier delivery and recovery, says a study from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

According to Modernmom, walking, swimming and cycling are some of the best low-impact exercises for expectant mothers. Walking helps to relieve stress and is also beneficial to the bones and joints, while swimming provides some relief from the additional weight, making it a safe exercise even for mothers with a difficult pregnancy. Cycling is also safe, provided mothers keep to a comfortable pace and an easy level to avoid overdoing it.

When exercising, pregnant women should keep their heart rate under 140 beats per minute, according to the American Pregnancy Association. It is important to drink enough water and avoid excessive heat. Those in their second and third trimester should also avoid exercises that require them to lie on the floor, as this can reduce blood-flow to the fetus.

According to the study, pregnant women can safely workout for up to 30 minutes several times a week. As always, it’s best to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.