
Miley Cyrus doesn’t pay ’em no mind

Miley Cyrus does not pay attention to the naysayers.

Singer Miley Cyrus says she stays away from negative stories written about her. Orange News reports she limits the number of television networks she watches and asks people close to her to pick and choose which articles she should read.
The 17-year old star has been on the defensive a lot lately. She has been strongly criticized for dressing too provocatively for her age.
Critics accuse her of growing up too fast and setting a bad example for her young fans.
She said those closest to her keep the negative stories away.
She shared, "I try to think of really just the positive things. My family, we’re only allowed to have 10 channels basically at our house, because we don’t want to see any of that (negative) stuff. So the people that are around me, they bring me the good things, and I never see anything or read anything that’s bad because it’s never e-mailed to me by my manager or publicist or whoever."
Last week, Cyrus said she did not want people to tell her what she should wear or what subjects she should sing about in her songs.  She also added that she did not want to be seen as a slutty girl.
The star will soon release her new album, Can’t Be Tamed. She made it her own way even though some people thought she went too far for her age.

She commented: "I’m not trying to be slutty. I’m not trying to be like, go to the club and get a bunch of guys. . . . What I’m trying to do is to make a point with my record and look consistent, in the way my record sounds and the way I dress."