
Milk makes the best sports drink

Study finds milk hydrates kids better than water or sports drinks.

Milk is a better and more effective way to rehydrate kids than sports drinks or even water, according to a new study reported by Medical News Today.

"Children become dehydrated during exercise, and it’s important they get enough fluids, particularly before going into a second round of a game," explained lead author Brian Timmons.

"Milk is better than either a sports drink or water because it is a source of high quality protein, carbohydrates, calcium and electrolytes."

Milk also replaces sodium that has been lost through sweating, while helping the body retain fluids more effectively. The protein in milk, meanwhile, aids in bone and muscle development, especially in growing children.

Being well-hydrated can give athletes a competitive edge, but most children and adults don’t drink enough between periods of exercise, putting them at a ‘dehydration disadvantage.’ As little as one percent dehydration can cause a 15 percent decline in performance, saidTimmons.


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