
Miranda Kerr has ‘so much respect’ for Orlando Bloom

Miranda Kerr has ”so much respect” for her husband Orlando Bloom and is impressed by his dedication to a new Broadway production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, in which he performs nightly.

Miranda Kerr has ”so much respect” for her husband Orlando Bloom.

The 30-year-old supermodel is thoroughly impressed by her actor spouse’s dedication to his craft and his ability to perform every night in a new Broadway theatre production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, in which he plays the titular heartthrob.

She gushed: ”When I saw Orlando on Broadway in ‘Romeo and Juliet’, I was blown away. For someone to be able to learn all that and hold the energy to do it every day, six days a week – I have so much respect for him.”

The A-list couple don’t bring work home with them, however, and Miranda says she and Orlando, 36, never advise each other on their respective careers.

She said: ”We don’t run lines though. We keep that very separate. That would be like me asking him to teach me how to catwalk.”

The former’s Victoria’s Secret beauty – who runs her own beauty brand KORA Organics – insists she’s ”a lot stronger than people think” and prides herself on being a savvy businesswoman, but she is much more traditional at home.

Miranda says she prefers ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ star Orlando to take the lead in their marriage.

She explained to the new issue of Cosmopolitan magazine: ”Don’t feel like you have to do and be everything. Let the man do some things for you, because if he cares for you, he will want to. When I get home, I’m not the boss like I am at work – I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I’ll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood.”