
Mitch Winehouse still struggling with grief

Amy Winehouse’s father Mitch is still struggling to cope with her death but says working with the charity he set up in her memory is helping him with his grief.

Mitch Winehouse "hasn’t stopped crying" since his daughter Amy died.

The devastated showbiz patriarch has thrown himself into work with the Amy Winehouse Foundation – which he set up in memory of his daughter, who was found dead at her London home in July aged 27 – to help cope with his grief.

He told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "You have to just roll your sleeves up and get cracking.

"At one children’s hospice I met a lady who’d just lost her five-year-old daughter. She said to me, ‘I’m so sorry about Amy.’ We’ve got to raise money to help people like that.

"I haven’t stopped crying since the news, but we do not give in.

"Nothing will deter us in our mission to help kids in Amy’s name."

Mitch knows he will find the festive season particularly tough but plans to take the time to toast his daughter’s memory.

He added to the Daily Mirror newspaper: "I have great memories of a Christmas tree and the kids opening their presents. A proper magic time.

"This is going to be the first Christmas without Amy so it’s going to be tough.

"We will raise a glass of sherry to her and carry on. We have got plenty of good times to remember, it won’t be easy but we will get through it."