Nouvelles quotidiennes

Montreal mayor thinks Montreal needs a direct flight to China

The Montreal mayor visits Expo 2010 Shanghai and apologizes for the lack of direct flights between the cities.

Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay is an engaged visitor to the Expo 2010 Shanghai. He is expressing his belief loud and clear that his city should have direct flights to large Chinese centres like other Canadian cities already do.

The cities of Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto are already directly linked to one or more Chinese cities. Mayor Tremblay thinks the time has come for Montreal to enjoy the same privilege.

Montreal also has a special relationship with the city of Shanghai. Mayor Jean Drapeau signed an agreement with the city 25 years ago. Taking advantage of his visit there, Mayor Tremblay extended the agreement by three years with the local mayor.

One of the reasons to encourage Montreal to push hard for this link with China, several times a week if possible, is that Canada is one of the few countries whose residents are allowed to visit China.

A few days ago, Mayor Tremblay met with officials of Cathay Pacific and soon China Eastern Airlines will host the mayor.