
Mooby blues

It seems that women are not the only ones with breast issues.

According to Daily News, male breast reduction is the fastest growing surgery in Britain’s surgery industry for the second year in a row.
Even if the evolution has not been so pronounced in the United States, American surgeons nonetheless say that breast reduction is one of the most popular operations among men.
American surgeon Robert Cattani, member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, says, "We’ve seen an increase. In the last five years, I personally have done 200 to 300 male breast reductions per year."
In Britain, the number of breast reductions went from 323 a year in 2008 to 581 in 2009, an 80% increase.
In the United States, 18,000 operations of this kind were performed on men in 2008. Although this number represents a decrease of 16% over the previous year, this decrease could have been caused by the country’s economic situation.
A British surgeon says men are feeling pressure to reduce their breast size, "Many men are feeling the pressure from men’s magazines that weren’t even being published five or six years ago. In addition, they are just realizing that they can get something done about it."
According to Dr. Malcolm Roth, excess breast tissue in men may be due to obesity. Therefore, he makes sure that his patients have tried every option to fix this problem, such as losing weight, before performing surgery. Often a simple change of lifestyle can solve this problem.