
More and more C-sections in the United States

There has been a significant increase in the number of births via C-section in the United States.

More and more C-sections are being performed in the United States. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, caesareans are the most common surgery in the country.

In 2007, an estimated 1.7 million babies were born by caesarean section. That is 32% of all babies born.

Since 1996, caesarean sections have jumped 71%, representing 53% of total U.S. births. In France, for example, only 20.1% of births are by C-section.

It is mostly women under 25 who decide to have a caesarean section when there is no medical necessity. They want to emulate stars like Demi Moore who opted for this practice.

In 2007, only 48% of mothers 40 to 54 chose this surgery.

This increase in the number of caesarean sections can be explained by the fact that many women still choose this method, even though there are also risks attached. Overdue pregnancies, the convenience of this type of birth and the evolution of medicine often tip the scales in favour of caesarean section.

However, many doctors recommend C-sections only when medically necessary.