
More Canadians Are Washing Their Hands

A record number of Canadians are now washing their hands to prevent infection by the flu virus.

A poll by Harris/Decima for the antibacterial Dial Complete foam cleanser, revealed that a record number of Canadians are washing their hands to protect against influenza.

Faced with a possible outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), the research firm says it is reassuring to see that people have adopted such healthy habits. 89% of Canadians wash their hands, which includes 92% of women and 85% of men.

The study also revealed that Quebecers are less worried about the influenza A (H1N1) threat. 3 out of 10 Quebecers are worried compared to 6 out of 10 on the Prairies.

In addition, Albertans said that if there was an epidemic, they would stay at home and 49% said they would not see their friends, 59% would not eat at their favourite restaurant and 47% would not go to work.

However, the disease would not affect the lives of Quebecers the same way. They would not go to such drastic precautions, as 52% said they would wear a mask and only 37% said they would eat at their favourite restaurant.