
More Details Revealed About Chris Brown

Another woman is believed to be the reason behind the altercation between Chris Brown and Rihanna.

It was revealed that another woman sent a text message to Chris Brown, igniting an argument between Brown and Rihanna.

A source told the New York Daily News, "He got a text. Rihanna saw it and she got upset. They started to argue. She got out of the car. He wanted her to get back in, so he grabbed her. She pulled away. That’s when she’s told people he hit her."

According to OK! magazine, the message was sent by Paris Hilton.  Prior to the night of the argument, Hilton and Brown reportedly spent time together while Rihanna was performing at a party.

No one from Brown’s camp has commented on the recent events, and he has not attempted to contact Rihanna, who says that she won’t talk to him. Rihanna is now spending time with her family.