
More Drama for Britney Spears

Singer Britney Spears recently tripped while carrying her baby.

According to website Ananova, the incident happened when the young mother was leaving the Ritz Carlton hotel in New York.  The Toxic singer was carrying her son in one arm and a glass of water in the other.  Witnesses say that the 24 year-old star then lost her balance while trying to maneuver her way through the crowd.  Body guards came to her assistance to help Spears get back on her feet.

All eyes were on 8 month-old Sean Preston, who was not injured.  Spears, however, was visibly annoyed and was heard saying, "This is why I need a gun."

Britney Spears is married to Kevin Federline and has recently confirmed that she is expecting baby number 2.  Just days ago, Spears caused concern when she was spotted driving her car with her son sitting in a baby seat facing the wrong way.