
Motherhood today more complex than ever

French study from Institute for Mothers reveals complexities faced by today’s moms.


According to a recent study by the French Institute for Mothers, the majority of women believe it is fairly easy to raise a child, however a full 42 per cent of mothers find it difficult, reports

Those likely to find it difficult had children aged 3 to 4, sometimes more than one under age 5. The majority of online survey respondents said girls were easier to educate and discipline than boys.

What is clear from the study is that mothers today have fewer cues than those of yesteryear. Indeed, the latter were often guided by religion.

Even if they are torn between traditional educational principles and so-called baby experts, it remains important for modern mothers to teach their children to be respectful, to communicate well, and to encourage their child’s self-confidence.

On all these issues, study author, Hélène Lepetit, concluded that mothers are usually their own toughest critic, and will draw on many sources of child-rearing expertise, old and new, in order to do their best for their children.