
Mouth-to-mouth is not always necessary

Chest compressions are often enough to save the life of an unconscious person.

It has long been said that both chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation are required to save a life.

The New England Journal of Medicine published two new studies last week claiming that chest compressions are often enough.

This method should be recommended as it is simpler and more and more people say they are capable of performing this resuscitation manoeuvre with instructions from a dispatcher.

In a majority of cases, mouth-to-mouth is not necessary. According to Dr. Arthur Kellerman, an expert in emergency medicine, these new instructions should be broadcast far and wide because they would save more lives each year. Up to now, only 6% of victims of a heart attack outside a hospital survive.

It is essential that the person performing chest compressions receives clear instructions from a dispatcher until paramedics arrive and take over.