
Mumford and Sons prefer playing in ‘classless’ US

Mumford & Sons have hit out at people in the UK for branding them posh because they attended public school, and admit they prefer being in the US because Americans are "classless".

Mumford & Sons prefer performing in the US because they think the UK has a "class issue".

The English folk group – Marcus Mumford, Ted Dwayne, Winston Marshall and Ben Lovett – have grown tired of being branded posh because they attended public school, but admit their choice of tweed attire probably isn’t helping their cause.

Banjo player Winston said: "Class is a big issue here. And some people get picked on more than others. I think we probably do.

"I mean, it doesn’t help that we wear waistcoats and tweed the whole time.

"But there is a reverse snobbishness in England towards that sort of stuff.

"And I think that’s one of the reasons we really enjoy America, ‘cos we’re classless."

Ben, who plays the keyboard in the group, explained: "I think it’s unfair to hammer anyone for anything.

"People should celebrate or ignore, that would be nice. On top of that, I just don’t consider myself a posh person."

Bassist Ted added to Q magazine: "We’re not the first band who went to public school."

Boarding school-educated British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is one of the ‘Babel’ hitmakers’ biggest fans, recently helped the band get more playing time in the US by recommending them to US President Barack Obama.

What’s more, frontman Marcus Mumford – who was born in Anaheim, California, to British parents – is married to Hollywood actress Carey Mulligan.

The couple met at Christian youth camps when they were younger, but this has led people to think the whole band are Christian, which has infuriated them just as much as being branded one of the poshest groups in the music industry.

Winston said: "It p***ed me off. Just being thought of as a Christian is annoying.

"Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just being told you’re anything when you’re not."