Nouvelles quotidiennes

Museum of Contemporary Art opens in Krakow

Oskar Schindler’s former factory is home to new Polish museum.

Poland has launched a huge new investment in the country’s art scene with the opening of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, reports Routard.

With a construction cost of about $24.5 million, the new museum incorporates 10,000 square meters of space in the city of Krakow, occupying most of what was once the enamel factory of Oskar Schindler – the man made famous by Steven Spielberg’s iconic film, Schindler’s List.

"The mission of the museum is to bring contemporary culture to the widest possible audience," explained Maria Anna Potocka, the museum director, during the opening ceremonies earlier this month.

Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski was also on hand for the official opening. Speaking of the heavy losses suffered during the war, he said it is "not so easy for us to compensate for the huge losses to our national heritage."

Instead, the country is focussing forward. "We can effectively strive for Poland to be associated with contemporary art… catching up and competing with the modern world," noted Komorowski.

The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from noon until 8 p.m. A regular ticket costs about $3.50.