
Naomi Campbell reveals Paris attack

Naomi Campbell has a lot of sympathy for Kim Kardashian West because she claims she was also "attacked" in Paris.

Naomi Campbell was "attacked" in Paris in 2012.

The 46-year-old supermodel has a lot of sympathy for Kim Kardashian West – who was robbed at gunpoint in the French capital in October – because she understood the ordeal after a terrifying experience of her own.

She said: "I’ve gotten to know Kim in the last few years, and she’s a really great girl.

"I sympathize with her a lot.

"I kept mine on the down low, but in 2012 I was attacked in Paris. They followed me from the airport. They attacked me. They opened my car door and said, ‘Naomi Campbell, we’re going to kill you.’ I didn’t make it so public; I didn’t want it to be. I think there’s a picture of me in a wheelchair at the time.

"I had taken a plane from Switzerland to Paris, which is like one hour. I didn’t call security – it was just a quick trip."

Naomi had a lucky escape and is thankful she realised there was something "weird" about the situation before anything bad happened to her.

Speaking to talk show host Wendy Williams, she said: "I was going to see my lovely papa, Azzedine Alaïa. I went to the car, and it wasn’t my normal driver. And it was weird because…l the windows were down in freezing cold November. I was like, ‘Wait a minute! This is weird…

"I wanted to stop at the pharmacy – thank God the pharmacy was closed. My papa called me and said, ‘My daughter, where are you? We’re ready to eat dinner.’ At that point I abandoned the idea.

"Thank God it was outside Azzedine Alaïa’s shop – that’s the entrance to get into the house – because they came out and saved me, basically. You decide in a split moment – I don’t know if I’d ever do this again, in hindsight – ‘Am I going to let this guy take my bag with all my passports or am I going to fight for it?’"

"My decision was, ‘I’m not letting my bag go.’

"I was outside the home of Azzedine Alaïa, and I was in the car with blacked out windows. The driver was in on it. There’s a whole ring. It’s been happening for a few years now."

And Naomi claims she and Kim aren’t the only high-profile stars to have been subjected to such terrifying experiences.

She said: "I very much sympathise with her, and I felt for her right away. I hated hearing these stories that it wasn’t true. It was absolutely true and it happened to me, and it’s happened to a few other people – but it’s not for me to say – who are well-known also."