
New Album for Rush

The rock group Rush will be releasing a new album this spring.

According to Billboard, the new album, Rush, Snakes and Arrows, will be coming out on May 1, 2007.  It will be their 18th album.  The first single, Far Cry will be played for listeners on the radio starting in the middle of March.

Rush’s last album, Vapor Trail, was in 2002.

Neil Peart explained that certain songs were inspired by his motorcycle ride across the U.S.  Peart did a summary of his trip in his book, Roadshow:  Landscape With Drums.

The artist expressed, "Just seeing the power of evangelical Christianity and contrasting that with the power of fundamentalist religion all over the world in its different forms had a big effect on me."

Although dates have not been announced, the group is expected to do a tour this summer.