
New hope for infertile couples

Scientists transform mouse stem cells into sperm.

Japanese scientists at Kyoto University have converted mouse stem cells into primordial germ cells (PGCs), which are the precursors for both sperm and egg development, reports Medical News Today.

Published in the academic journal Cell, the study has opened up new possibilities with regard to infertility treatments.

The sperm precursor stem cells were transplanted into infertile mice, and the PGCs produced normal-looking sperm that were used for in vitro fertilization. The fertilized eggs were then transplanted into female mice that eventually produced healthy, fertile offspring.

"This is the first study to create healthy and fertile offspring from germline cells generated from embryonic stem cells. Previous studies have not demonstrated the generation of such offspring," said study lead Professor Mitinori Saitou of Kyoto University in Japan.

Researchers say the procedure could be used with pluripotent stem cells derived from adult skin cells.

The authors wrote that they plan to continue investigations into germ cell development with the hopes of advancing reproductive technology and medicine.

Photo credit: Louisa Stokes/